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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Democrats now shift inflation blame to "Corporate gouging"



Democrats have now realized that inflation is becoming an election year problem. Of course, in the Marxist tradition, business is always a handy villain to blame for the results of their own policies. 

Business has been savaged by high energy prices a result of Democrat policy since inauguration day in 2021. Shortages of workers and pushes for high wages has increased the overhead of all businesses, that is eventually paid for by the end consumer.

Shortages of many materials and delays have also raised the cost of most all goods, many of these shortages can also be traced to be the results of trade policies that are attempting to use trade a bargaining chip. This accompanied by sanctions placed on many foreign suppliers have raised the costs of most everything. 

Then there is the unprecedented and unsustainable deficit spending that is resulting in $1 trillion of additional debt every 100 days. This lowers the buying power of the dollar and results in increased INFLATION. It also raise interest rates which also raises the costs to every business that use seasonal credit or credit for expansion or upgrades. 

Every policy of the present crop of Democrat politicians is inflationary and there is no end in sight. Americans better buckle up, because the policies are still underway and may not be able to be reversed for years. The reality is that inflation is most likely going to increase and be sustained for the foreseeable future.

High prices and inflation is not being caused by business, they are just as much victims of inflation as everyone, but it all ends up on the bill of the end user. Eventually the bill for unrestrained spending ends up with consumer as all these inflation causing policies are paid by the last man in the supply line. YOU.

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