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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Is Fico assassination attempt a warning against neutrality?



Yesterday, was the first assassination attempt in the EU in many years, sadly it most likely will not be the last. Prime minister Robert Fico was shot several times as he talked to people after a meeting in Slovakia. He has been under obvious pressure for his refusal to send more military support to Ukraine. He, like a few others has taken the position that he would keep his country out of the Ukraine conflict and wished to remain neutral. Those who dare to take a neutral position have been subjected to enormous pressure to join ranks with the majority. 

Viktor Orban, of Hungary, has also been under enormous pressure, he also wants to keep his country out of this conflict and then of course he is labeled an ally of Russia, never someone looking out for the best interests of his country over the collective in Brussels and Washington.

Neutrality has historically been the often admired position of such countries as Switzerland and Sweden, but that is no longer acceptable. Neutrality is now considered the enemy of the power centers in Brussels, London and Washington. Sweden has recently dropped its historic neutrality and Switzerland continues to be pressured.

Other targets of this pressure is Modi in India and of course the former president of Pakistan, Imran Khan, who was removed with a no confidence vote with documented pressure from Washington. When he continued to campaign for reelection, being the most popular candidate in Pakistan, he was shot in an assassination attempt, then finally jailed before the election. It is all a sad commentary on the state of REAL democracy, so often used as a slogan without real substance.

It is very likely the instances of political violence will increase in Europe and very likely in Ukraine, as the now president Zelinsky's legal term ends in 4 days. With elections cancelled and political opposition banned it will somewhere end with increased internal conflict that can no longer be settled at the ballot box.

It is obvious that Democracy is now pretty much just a window dressing on the growing authoritarian powers in the western world.

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