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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Georgia's foreign agents law hypocrisy.



Western countries are expressing outrage that the Republic of Georgia has passed a "foreign agents law". The law was vetoed by the President, but is expected to be overridden by the parliament. The U.S. and western countries are threatening to impose sanctions and other measures if the law is passed. a very hypocritical and intrusive policy.

The law does not outlaw foreign money to be used by Non governmental organizations, but requires it to be transparent and the donors identified and amounts disclosed to the citizens. This would apply to all organizations receiving more than 20 % of their funds from foreign sources.

Since the independence of many of these eastern European nations, much U.S. and western money has flooded into these countries to change the politics to be more favorable to the west. The United States has allocated over $9 billion for this purpose for this year. Organizations that promise to promote democracy and other well sounding messages funnel money to dissidents or create dissidents to overthrow the existing governments, even those with a democratic election process. It has been verified that the U.S. funneled as much as $5 billion dollars in support of the Ukrainian Maidan revolution that was the beginning of the current disaster in Ukraine. I suspect the idea is to open a southern front in Georgia that could be a disaster in the long run for the people of Georgia.

Georgia, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Austria and India have abstained from military support for Ukraine, having expressed a desire to remain neutral in this conflict. While they have supported Ukraine with humanitarian aid, it is not an acceptable policy for the west and continuous pressure to submit from many sources is underway, including foreign internal influence. This is why this law was passed.

The United States has such a law since 1938 and has repeatedly been used against political adversaries even when no foreign money was involved. Just another instance of U.S. hypocrisy in its foreign policy. 

I would expect that all citizens should have the knowledge who is funding organizations operating on their sovereign soil, especially when they are involved in the internal politics of their nations. 


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