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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Is NATO signalling nuclear attack on Russia imminent?



In recent days there have been attacks on 2 of Russia's 10 early warning sites deep inside Russia. The sites are of no consequence in the Ukraine conflict, but are part of Russia's strategic nuclear defense. It is a very dangerous escalation that could have sudden a disastrous consequences.

While these attacks came from Ukraine soil they were made with NATO and probably U.S. weapons and very likely manned by NATO or U.S. personnel. They were also guided and targeted by NATO military personnel. This can only signal to Russia that they are attempting to blind Russia to an ICBM attack particularly from a southern base, since these sites were in the south of Russia. This could be submarine based or from some other base south of Russia.

While this may be just another attempt to frighten Russia into a hoped for capitulation, it is a very dangerous bluff, if that is what this is all about.  From Russia's view it is a direct existential threat and it likely forcing them to take the steps necessary to respond to such an attack. This escalation will put the Russian's on a hair trigger for all an out nuclear response. It will not force Russia to end the war, but to prepare for all out confrontation.

While it seems western media and the U.S. congress are focusing on Trump trials and coming elections, U.S. strategists are moving the world into a situation that can very easily lead to disaster. It seems that is now almost destiny, as we continually see delusional and of touch decisions in high places.

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