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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Georgia overturns veto of "Foreign agents law."



The EU and the U.S. are threatening Georgia with sanctions and pressuring it to take sides in the Ukraine conflict. The west has been pressuring them to enforce sanctions and to even open a southern front by actively engaging Russia militarily. Does Georgia really want to risk becoming another Ukraine?

Georgia's law just wants any NGO that receives over 20% of its financing from a foreign country to register and reveal its funding amounts and sources. Why is transparency not good for Georgia? The U.S. has such a law since 1938.

It has been estimated that there over 25,000 foreign financed Non governmental organizations in Georgia. With a population of 3.8 million that is an NGO for every 160 Georgian's. If each NGO employs 6 workers that is 150,000 of the population. Everyone receiving a wage by a foreign political organization, often above the average wage of the domestic population. So, it makes it very clear why these entities can muster large demonstrations and protests. Most of these organizations are financed by the EU and the United States. If Georgia takes sides in the war they will be the ones doing the dying.

The pressure on the west on any country that wishes to stay neutral in today's global political conflict must be overwhelming for these often poor and small countries. If the west wants war with Russia, then go and declare war, and let these poor countries, who would just like to stay out of international politics, alone.

While Ukraine is obviously losing this NATO financed and orchestrated war it seems that the west is still on the escalation track, encouraging more attacks on Russia and attempting to encourage more troops for Ukraine. France is sending supposed trainers. The UK is considering conscription after the next election. Germany is talking conscription, can the U.S. be far behind.

A neutral and non aligned Ukraine would have provided a security buffer for Russia and the west. A prosperous Ukraine, stable energy for all and most of all peace.  Any future war with Russia and NATO will end in global catastrophe. Not maybe, but for sure. Russia will not accept NATO in the Ukraine. Period. This situation has not changed since 2008. It seems to some, global catastrophe is better than admitting to a delusional and stupid plan.

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