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Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Desperation increases as Trump continues to rise.



The entrenched bureaucracy and its supporters feel that they must discredit Trump in any way possible. Those who depend on the government to keep them seem to be the most virulent opponents of Trump's policies, policies that are mostly not used in their attacks. Their attacks are fashioned in a way to make Trump into some evil villain, who has no redeeming qualities, the most despicable man on earth. 

Just this week a film at the Cannes film festival portrayed Trump raping his former wife. An accusation that was made and retracted during a divorce proceedings. Of course this film is made after his former wife is no longer able to testify in a defamation case. A case that will most likely not go anywhere in the EU, where Trump fear is as bad as in the U.S. This film is just another election year travesty in the 10 year assault on Trump, for daring to run for president, without the approval of the bureaucracy. Much of this is a message to anyone who should dare to challenge their control over who can be a candidate for President.

We have actually witnessed the destruction of the credibility of many institutions of this country from the legal system, election system, media and government officials, all in an attempt to discredit Trump. It seems it is the old Machiavellian theory that you do not assassinate a populist leader, but humiliate, discredit and cast him as inhuman and despicable, so far it has not worked. Their outrageous attacks are so obviously over the top that it seems the more they attack, the more Trump increase his support. Can we we expect that if this continues, they will resort to the more direct and primitive way of maintaining their power.

Trump's mere presence has indeed exposed them all. The power hungry, greedy and corrupt, that seem to be running most of the world's governments today. They are going to fail in the end, but sadly it appears they will take us all down with them.

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