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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Is Zelensky now a world leader?



A peace summit is planned for June 15-16 at a resort in Switzerland, a supposedly neutral country that has had enormous pressure to support Ukraine. It is amazing that there is a summit without Russia being invited. Without Russia's attendance there will be no positive results for peace. I expect it will be more pleading for money, weapons, sanctions against anyone who wants to be neutral, more of the same drama of the last 3 years.

Peace in Ukraine could be accomplished very quickly, the proposals by Russia for peace, before the conflict started, had set clear guidelines, a neutral, non-aligned Ukraine, No NATO membership and human rights for Russians' living in eastern Ukraine. This proposal was rejected by the U.S. and NATO. It is possible that if a referendum would have been held in Ukraine, it may have been another matter.

Then shortly after the onset of hostilities a similar agreement was reached in Turkey, it would have not included Crimea being reunited with Ukraine, but would have insured the territorial integrity of Ukraine. This was similar to proposals in 2 Minx agreements that were not taken seriously by the west. Russia demonstrated good faith by withdrawing its troops from around Kiev. The proposal was then rejected and the west declared some kind of victory.

Shortly after that, Russia held votes in the 4 eastern oblasts and with a positive vote, declared them now part of Russia. 

The reality is that Ukraine is now in a very weak negotiating position. The 4 eastern oblasts will not be ceded back to Ukraine. NATO membership is still a no, just as Russia has clearly insisted since 2008. If this war continues as it is, Ukraine will lose everything east of the Dnieper river and NATO membership will still be no. With the loss of Odessa, Ukraine will no longer be a viable prosperous country, but just a weak, poor, dependent of the west. It may even open it up to claims by Poland, Romania and Hungary of what is left in the west.

Ukraine, even with NATO support, cannot prevail in this conflict. For any hope of victory it would require NATO troops on the ground in very large numbers, conscription in the west and then the possibility of a nuclear confrontation. That is the choices for Ukraine and the west. Russia's historical experience with this Ukrainian buffer on their western border will not change. It is more than the policy of Putin, but the vast majority of the Russian people, especially after decades of the west demonizing everything Russian.

NATO and the war mongers in Washington wanted an enemy and now they have created one, and are on their way to creating a second in China. Biden recently stated the U.S. is the only superpower and seems to be ready to test that premise.  It is time for sane people in congress to stop this rush to destruction.

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