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Monday, May 4, 2020

New York has worst record for controlling Virus.



Coronavirus New York: MTA death toll hits 41, with 1,500 positive ...

The death toll from the Covid-19 virus has risen to 68,602 in the United States.  This is an average of 20 deaths per 100,000. A comparable number for the European countries with a combined population of the United States is 114,355. This is an average of 38 per 100K. This includes Spain 54 per 100K, Italy 48 per 100K, Uk 42 Per 100K, France 38 Per 110K, and Germany 8.2 per 100K. 

The epicenter in the United States for this pandemic is without a doubt New York City.  With 13,538 deaths in the city and it is unbelievable that the subways were allowed to continue to operate. They have finally shut them down this weekend, to disinfect them every night. Why has it taken until now to do this? 

It is understood that many people in New York depend on public transportation, especially essential healthcare and other workers. But these subways were being used by many more than essential workers. It is also true that many of the subway cars were actually being lived in as homeless shelters. It is obvious that this was a possible major point for the spread of this virus. Essential workers could have been given a visible pass for them to use public transportation.

New York state has the highest total deaths of 24,576, 126 per 100K, New Jersey 7872, 89 per 100K.
and Massachusetts 4004, 58 per 100K.

While the initial infections in New York were a result of travelers from Europe, the east coast of the United states has mostly been infected from travel for New York. This would account for the northeast having the highest concentrations of virus in the United States. 

To put a little perspective on the number of deaths per 100K. The Northeast United States has an average of around 700 deaths per 100,000 per year. The United States has an average of 723  deaths per 100K per year. With an average at this time of 20 deaths per 100K in the United States attributed to the virus, it will be interesting if at the end of the year there is an overall increase in the death rate. We must remember that many of these deaths attributed to the corvid-19 Virus were in a vulnerable population that may have not lasted to the end of year. 

With decreased travel and thereby fewer highway deaths, and the use of social distancing, many other communicable disease may have been avoided.

1 comment:

  1. I saw a news video yesterday of Governor Coumo spraying the inside of a subway car .It was right up there with Governor Dukakis riding on a amoured vehicle


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