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Monday, September 30, 2024

Russia revises nuclear use policy.



Last week Russia issued its new policy concerning the use of nuclear weapons. It seems to be in an effort to be very transparent in the way it views the escalation of the proxy war between Russia and the U.S. and NATO.

In the past, ever since the beginning of the nuclear age and the previous cold war, the open policy of Russia was that Russia would only use nuclear weapons if attacked with nuclear weapons or there was an existential threat to Russia.

The new policy states that Russia would use nuclear weapons if there was a critical threat to their sovereignty. It also states that the use of nuclear weapons is permitted against a non-nuclear state engaged in aggression and the  nuclear states that support it.

This new policy is now national policy of Russia and is has now been codified to make it clear to western powers that the use of long range missiles to strike deep into Russia will be considered a critical threat to their sovereignty. It also makes clear that those who assist in such strikes will be possibly targeted with nuclear weapons.

The ongoing proxy war in Ukraine has seen the continuous escalation in an attempt to convince Russia to submit to western demands that Ukraine be part of NATO. It seems that Russia has now made it clear were a real red line is and that it will enforce that red line if necessary.

Many western analysts still believe Russia can be persuaded to withdraw from Ukraine and accept NATO expansion on their border. They also believe that no nation will ever use nuclear weapons, I suspect because no one has since WW2.  This premise is only valid until someone does. We will see if these same analysts are willing to find out.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Is a sound money bank on the horizon? Part 2.



The possibility of a new banking system is greater today than anytime in recent modern history. While we watch as most western governments hope to introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC, which would be a fiat currency on steroids, without any freedom and a complete control of what can be bought or sold with the attached strings of government regulators. It would be the ultimate loss of freedom and the dream of authoritarian government. 

The need for an alternate is now a must to preserve one's wealth and freedom. Such a bank would not be a weapon to be used against existing systems but an alternative that would function for those who choose to take advantage of this sound store of wealth. 

At present, such a bank is in the theoretical stage, but is being considered by the BRICS economic group. While the following blueprint for such a bank is not proposed by any group as yet, it would be starting point for discussion and explorations and I believe a sound banking system.

Such a bank would need to be controlled or managed by a diverse group of representatives of several  nations, hopefully as many as 10. The banks charter would be the foundation of the bank and would be a gold backed currency. While seed money would be needed that could be repaid in the future, it would be a new currency without control of any one nation. Deposits into the bank would only be accepted in gold or a currency that could be converted by purchasing gold. The bank could facilitate the purchase of gold deposited in currency. The gold would then be stored in the bank or banks of the new banking system. In exchange for the gold, the depositor would be issued a new currency that would be backed by the gold held in the bank. The currency could be exchanged for actual gold if desired.

Example: Today gold is $2600 an ounce, it is differently priced in other currencies. So, if you deposited an ounce of gold or the equivalent value you would be issued 2600 units of the new currency, or possibly 260 or whatever percentage or valuation should be decided upon. This currency could redeem an ounce of gold in the future. No currency could be issued or created without a corresponding deposit of  gold. Quarterly reports would be needed and audited to ensure the transparency to all.

It costs money to run a bank and part of this idea would be that every deposit would require a fee of 1/2 of 1 percent of the deposit. Each depositor would then be issued 1 share in the bank for each ounce of gold deposited or fraction thereof. This bank would be a safe sound preservation of the depostors asset and an investment. While initially these shares would have little value, but as the bank grew, and it surely would, the bank then would be in a position to make loans and make a profit on the loans. The depositors then would be entitled to dividends on those profits. The bank could only loan a modest percentage of the deposits on hand, not more than the actual amount of deposits, as is the case now.

At present we have seen the disaster of the fiat system with a continuous loss of purchasing power of your asset and hard labor, an incentive to acquire debt and repay with devalued currency, often saddled with debt way into one's retirement years. We now see a world awash in unpayable debt that is indeed unsustainable. A debt that will only be reset at the expense of the workers and savers of the world. 

While this new bank theory is just that, it is very likely that something similar will be implemented in the near future, maybe not as described, but with a currency that is not able to manipulated and debased by government.

Any such currency can be used alongside existing currencies, but would be the most stable store of value and least prone to be inflated or devalued. 


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Is a sound money bank on the horizon? Part 1.



At present every central bank in the world is engaged in a fiat currency system, a currency that has no asset backing. At one time all paper currency was backed by gold or silver and the paper was in effect a receipt and exchangeable for this real asset of gold or silver. Fiat currency allows every nation to print and spend money that is not really an asset, but an instrument of debt by the government.

This transformation was accomplished over a period of decades, the backing of currency in the United States ended in 1971.  This allows governments to spend beyond their means and results in inflation or the devaluation of their currency. This has been sustainable because they are all doing it and only the worst players are punished. The average citizen and saver is the victim of this, in reality, fraud. Those who speculate in money and debt and paper transactions are the winners. The world is awash in debt levels, unprecedented in human history. The United States federal government alone has a debt of $35 trillion and the interest is now $1 trillion a year. It continues to grow in good times and bad.

There are signs that this may be about to change in the not too distant future. If there was a sound money bank, it would eventually cause all banks to adjust to compete with such a bank. It would force them all to become much more responsible and honest.

Such a bank could be established by the western nations, but we can expect they will fight the existence of such a bank, with all their power, as the present system allows them to engage in this fraud and use it as weapon on whoever they choose.

So, is it possible to establish such a bank? If It is possible, how would such a bank be organized and maintained. 

At present many nations are engaged in forming an economic system separate and free from the western banks. They are now using their currencies to trade with each other rather than the dollar and the euro. They are establishing an international payment system that will run alongside the present system. They are intent on replacing the dollar as the world's reserve currency, at least for those who choose to do so, but have not yet established such a currency. They are transparent in proclaiming that they do not want any one country to have control of a reserve currency. So how would a sound money bank, available for every nation and every citizen to participate in, look like.

We will look a possible blueprint for just such a bank tomorrow in part 2.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Is this Zelensky's last trip to Washington?



Ukraine's Zelensky's latest trip to the U.S. is remarkable by the limited coverage from the media. Has the media been instructed to down play this trip so close to the election, or is it a sign that support for Ukraine is coming to an end. Zelensky is planning on proposing his peace plan to Biden, Harris, Trump and congress. The plan calls for more weapons commitment, approval of long range missiles to attack deep into Russia and long term economic commitments. It seems no one is taking any of this seriously.

It is being reported that in the last week, after the UK prime minister came to Washington in an effort to coordinate long range missile attacks into Russia, Moscow through several channels both diplomatic and military gave notice to Washington that if approval and use of these missiles was given, Moscow's response was conveyed along with intended targets.  It seems Washington, the pentagon and others finally believed they were serious and refused to approve such use of U.S. missiles. Many believe that the world was on the brink of a real WW3 and backed away, at least for now.

Zelensky's trip may be here to beg for more military aid or the use of long range missiles or he may be here to convey to Washington insiders that if they don't agree he may be forced to disclose the corrupt goings on between Ukraine and Washington. It appears many in Washington have not condoned this trip and may wish he would just go away, especially during this election season.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Harris: Obama's 4th term of domestic policy and war.



The airways are now nonstop election ads, most of them are nice platitudes about how much better you will be if you choose the advertised candidate. In reality, we know what Donald Trump's policies are, they have not changed in the last 8 years.  I believe he tried against many obstacles to do as he campaigned. Of course, many like the direction of the country under the present administration. Then Kamala Harris is your choice, you will get more of the same and probably a lot more.

The reality is that Kamala Harris will be doing very little in moving the country anywhere, as she, like Biden, will be just another figurehead president. We will see the same domestic policy that has created the greatest divide in this country's history. We will see unlimited spending and an a further erosion of the dollar's buying power. We can expect an attempt to tax assets, very similar to property taxes, in an effort to at least partially pay for the spending. It will create the greatest move away from paper assets into assets that people can hide. It will lead to a general decline in economic activity. 

We can expect more open borders in an effort to cement 1 party rule. We can expect redistribution by condoning theft as a form of a new government program.

While all these things are disastrous for the country it will all pale by the threat of war all over the globe, that is, if it doesn't start before the election. More of the same policies of the last 30 years will undoubtedly result in WW3.  A war that the homeland will not escape, as it has for the last few decades.  

This next election may be the last chance to change the direction of the U.S. foreign policy and a hope to avoid catastrophic world war. Of course, many are still believing that he United States can overcome any adversary in the world and prevail. A very dangerous and delusional bet.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Has Hamas succeeded in its objective?



Before the Oct. 7 terror attack by Hamas, Israel was in the best geopolitical position in its existence. It had been recognized by multiple neighboring countries and diplomatic and economic relations were being normalized. This was set in motion by the Abraham accords which hoped to stabilize the middle east situation. Israel was even negotiating recognition and economic relations with Saudi Arabia, which would have been a key to peaceful coexistence in the region.

At the same time, Saudi Arabia had restored relations with Iran, which was a result of both envisioning economic prosperity for the region. All these developments left Hamas in a position that it was soon to become an irrelevant player in the region. It is likely that Hamas felt that it needed to provoke Israel into actions that would scuttle these developments. Israel has been consistent in its policy of responding to any action with a more violent action. Hamas had to understand this fact.

It is still a wonder of how Israel did not know about this attack that was in the planning for over a year. Everyone believes they have the most sophisticated intelligence in the world. We will leave that discussion for another day.

The horrific attack by Hamas was denounced around the world, it was a moment when the vast majority of the world had empathy and support of Israel. It was a time when Israel had an opportunity to use that moment to further the progress being made. Israel usually a shaper of public opinion, overcome with rage and revenge set off on a campaign of annihilation of not just Hamas operatives but Palestinians in general. It was a moment lost forever and most likely played right into the expectations of Hamas.

Now today the situation is dire, allies Egypt and Jordan are in the midst of possible political chaos, Turkey is contemplating intervention, much of this being a reaction by its populations. Saudi Arabia has signaled there can not be any relations without a solution for the Palestinians. Hezbollah and the Houthis are launching missiles every day. Israel is on the brink of invading Lebanon, with a very uncertain outcome.

While I support Israel's hope for a peaceful coexistence, decisions made in response to this attack have destroyed any hope of any peace in the near future. Yes, Hamas started it, but is Israel now in a better place than it was before the attack?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Is your cell phone a potential weapon?



Yesterday we witnessed a coordinated use of pager explosions in Lebanon. It is assumed this was an Israeli attack that may have used pagers tampered with in the the supply chain. The pagers were labeled Gold Apolo a Taiwanese firm. Gold Apolo has claimed the phones were manufactured in Budapest, Hungary under license. 

At present, it is assumed that the pagers were implanted with small explosive devices and triggered by remote simultaneously. It is assumed that this was an attack on Hezbollah, but it is a concern, if these devices were also in the hands of others. At present they are claiming 12 deaths, over 4000 injuries and at least 200 serious injuries. While an impressive display of innovation, it is certainly going to set a precedent that will have repercussions world wide.

It is also a concern that cell phones can be hacked to cause the lithium battery to overheat and explode. If this is true I am sure someone is already looking at these possibilities in assassination and terrorism plans.

While this may seem a victory for Israel it will have little effect other than cause escalation and a deeper animosity of the general population in Lebanon. Many of those injured were bystanders who were in proximity of these explosions, motorists, pedestrians etc.. It will most likely be labeled a terrorist act by the international community.

We may all now be concerned that all handheld electronic devices are a potential source of hazard.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

More questions about Trump assassins.



So far, we have limited information about this newest Trump assassin, but we do know that he has attempted to be influential in raising an army of mercenaries to fight in Ukraine. That he has been to Ukraine and has a lengthy record of run-ins with the law without ever being convicted.

It is no secret that Ukraine war and the efforts to recruit mercenaries for that war are primarily a CIA operation. We can expect that he has had some contact with the CIA, without actually being a official agent.

He seems to have been prepared to make an escape after attacking Trump, which he was reasonably successful even though caught due to someone taking pics of his car.

The big question is how did he know that Trump was going to play golf? How did he know that this was a secure spot to get a shot at Trump? The first question must have been provided by someone on the inside. 

It seems that the security did not see this shooter, who it is reported was there for multiple hours, only at the last minute did someone actually see him.

While no shots were fired in this instance, it was again a close encounter that in a few more minutes could have been fatal.

We still have not been told about the history of the first shooter for the last 2 years.

We can expect that there will be others contemplating similar attempts. While in this climate we can believe that most democrats would rejoice in a successful attempt. it will further increase the divide and increase the chances of triggering a domestic conflagration. 

We are undoubtedly in the most dangerous time for this country both at home and abroad. Does anyone really believe that a continuation in power of those who are presently running this country can have a good outcome?

Monday, September 16, 2024

Playing Russian Roulette over Ukraine.



It seems the policy makers in the U.S. believe that if they can make the Ukraine war costly enough to Russia they will just give up and return all Ukraine's former territory. They then will accept Ukraine's membership in NATO and allow U.S. missiles on their border. This is their hope that is based on their delusional narrative. The reality is that Russia, not just Putin, will fight NATO expansion to the ultimate war if necessary.

Russia began warning the west about NATO expansion as soon as it was proposed by Bush 2 in 2008. It then took action with the U.S. assisted coup in Ukraine and annexed Crimea which was part of Russia for centuries. Again, the warnings were never heard and Russia was dismissed as a gas station posing as a nation. Then in 2022 Ukraine began preparations to reclaim Crimea and also reclaim Donetsk and Luhansk and the Russians, eventually after many attempts at a negotiation, invaded those areas. Russia has since held referendums in 4 eastern oblasts and Crimea and now consider those areas part of Russia. They will not be returned short of defeat in nuclear war.

Ukraine could have preserved all their territory except Crimea with a peace proposal that was accepted in March 2022 in Turkey. It was squashed by the U.S. and UK and now Ukraine is in the last gasps of their inevitable defeat. Of course, the political operatives in the west want them to fight on, especially until after the next election. Ukraine is, in effect, a failed state that survives wholly on western financial support not only for their war effort but pensions, health care, everything that costs at least $5 billion a month. It will remain a failed state as long as it aspires to be part of NATO.

Ukraine could have been a neutral country, and possibly the most prosperous European country, it is now disastrously ruined for decades to come.

Now the latest plan is to allow Ukraine with the assistance of U.S. and British military to send long range missiles into Russia. Russia again has warned that this will be responded to, and again it is being ignored, claiming that Russia is bluffing.  When playing Russian Roulette, if after 5 pulls of the trigger, you are still alive, does that mean the sixth will have a similar outcome.

It is doubtful that Russia will resort to nuclear weapons if these long range weapons are used, but if it comes to an existential threat to Russia, that the West insists on, they will be used.

Russia still has not targeted the government buildings in Kiev. Does anyone doubt that they can flatten them all in one night?  Russia has not destroyed all the bridges across the Dnieper river that allow transport of these western materials. Russia has not taken out the satellites that the U.S. use to provide targeting to the Ukrainians. Russia has a lot of options without directly targeting NATO. If it come to an all out attack on NATO, it most likely will not be a conventional attack or a limited nuclear attack.

It could be like the 6ths pull in the roulette game.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Is Interventionism bleeding the U.S. dry?



At present the United States is attempting to control 3 crisis situations at the same time. It is an addition to the usual 700 + military bases and billions spent to foreign aid and other cost associated with maintaining its dominant position in the world.

Osama bin Laden repeated the warning many time to the U.S. that his objective was to bleed the United States to the point of collapse. The attack on the world trade center in 2001 was not only an act of revenge, but a conscious decision based on the predictable response from the United States. This event triggered a massive response that is still being paid for today. Not only 20 years in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, but the added costs of the security state that is till escalating. This massive cost was triggered by the first gulf war, which was orchestrated by baiting Saddam Hussein into invading Kuwait in 1991, it continues today. It was the beginning of military intervention around the world.

At present the United States has 2 carrier groups stationed in the middle east, It cost 6.5 million a day per group. We have another in the south China sea. While everyone expects some response from Iran on Israel that will require U.S. assistance. Iran has learned these lessons well. The cost to the U.S are clicking up steadily. Israel's economy is tanking as it maintains military readiness and limited flights into and out of Israel. The Hamas attack near 1 year ago has resulted in a similar Israeli response that is unsustainable. The bleeding goes on without any attack from Iran.

Then of course there is the Ukraine conflict. It was orchestrated by the United States by pushing NATO expansion into Ukraine when everyone knew this would result in a response from Russia. A response that the west hoped would result into a deep push into Ukraine that would bleed Russia to the point of exhaustion and a hoped for regime change in Russia. Russia, having witnessed the results of intervention, began preparing for this in 2008, just as the U.S. began its same preparations.  Russia began preparations for both an economic and military conflict.   

The United States has likely spent over $300 billion in direct costs, not to mention the economic costs that have resulted from the economic sanctions war. Western Europe has depleted it military supplies, suffered high inflation in food and energy and is beginning to experience growing social unrest. A large part of world's economy is moving away from the the U.S. and the west which will inevitably cause severe economic decline, if not war.

Then we have the ongoing and accelerating conflict with China, supposedly over Taiwan, which is a similar situation as Ukraine. We have transformed China from an economic competitor into an enemy and also created the climate for a Russia/China alliance. Much of this animosity and conflict has been stoked by loose talk and threats and intimidation which has convinced China that in its security interest, it needs to create a large military, which it can do much more quickly and efficiently than the U.S. 

At present there is no reevaluation of our interventionist policy, it is supported by the majority of Democrats and Republicans in congress. One must wonder if this delusion of desiring to rule the world is the last gasp of the American empire, not from military defeat, but from economic and political collapse. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why trade war with China is a big loser.



We see Germany and Spain balking at cooperating with the EU at putting tariffs on Chinese Electric vehicles. We watched as China cancelled most all grain purchases from the U.S. in response to the electronic chip embargo from the U.S. and the corresponding crisis in the U.S. chip business. We see that Western Europe is still buying Russian gas. If Russia actually shut off energy to western Europe it would usher in an economic crisis. Germany has lost its vehicle market in Russia. It has very large and important trade with China in vehicles and manufacturing machinery and mining equipment. Warning alarms are being sounded from many places, but the obsession with containing Russia and China is now entering the critical stage. Sanctions and tariffs are not going to contain these countries, that only leaves the war option.

The reality is that he west is only 12% of the world's population, the rest of the world is growing in wealth and becoming a vast market for all things that Russia and China can produce. In a very short time the west can be replaced by the other 7.2 billion people that are not part of the western alliances, that is exactly what is happening. The rest of the world can survive and prosper without the economic activity from the west. The question is, can the west survive without access to those materials and markets? The move to replace the economic domination of the west is rapidly accelerating and will not be stopped with sanctions and tariffs.

The only credible option is a realization that only cooperation and coexistence is the solution and at present the political powers in the west are hell bent on supremacy rather than coexistence. 

Trump's initial tactic of using tariff's on products from China was called reciprocity and it was in effect a move to eliminate protection by China on U.S. products and an effort to narrow the trade imbalance. That was why China agreed to buy massive amounts U.S. grain.  China had tariffs on U.S, cars etc.. Now we see western leaders including Trump calling for massive tariffs on all Chinese products in an effort to contain China's expansion.

Below is some economic reality as to the economic power of the United States as compared to China and Russia. It is relevant if anyone believes that they can still economically contain those competitors without violent conflict.

It is interesting that we often hear that the United States has the biggest Gross Domestic Product in the world. In the real flow of dollars this measure may be accurate, but is it really a gauge of sustainability, endurance and the real ability to produce wealth. 

Today the GDP of the United States is estimated at $26.5 Trillion. Manufacturing accounts for 11% or $2.92 Trillion dollars this includes manufactured products, mining and agriculture. The largest segment of U.S. GDP is Professional and business services at 13%. Real estate rental and leasing at 12%. Government wages etc. 12%, Wholesale and retail trade at 12%, Arts, information and entertainment 10%, Health and social services 9%. Finance and Insurance 8%, Construction 4%. Miscellaneous 10%

Total debt public and private in the U.S. is now $93.5 trillion. $34 Trillion of federal government debt.

China has an estimated GDP  of $25.46 Trillion. Its manufacturing and agriculture accounts for 40.9% or $10.41 Trillion. Over 3 times that of the US.

Its Government debt is estimated at $9.5 Trillion.

Russia GDP is estimated at $5.5 trillion, Manufacturing  and agriculture is 36.69 % or $2.02 Trillion. Government debt is an eye opening estimate of only $343 Billion.

This is my point, When you strip out all the money that is generated by non-wealth producing activities, we see that the real wealth of these nations is not as far apart as many would like to believe. 

I suspect a similar comparison to western European nations would show similar results. It explains why Russia is able to manufacture military supplies that actually seems to outperform the U.S. and the European production. Much of the financial activity is focused on things that do not support life or create wealth.

Then compare the debt, and if objective, subtract the debt from the GDP and it is startling. 

Real economics has always believed that wealth is created by resources and labor producing things that have more value than the value of the resources and labor. Real wealth creation. 

China is without a doubt far and above everyone in real wealth creation. The United States and Russia are more comparable.  Then consider that China has over 1 billion population, The U.S. 340 million and Russia an estimated 140 million. If we would then compare these figures with population it would be an indication of productivity per person in actual wealth creation.

Realistic comparison should show why the west cannot succeed in a trade war with the rest of the world.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

No stopping new global economic order.



We hear how some believe that the U.S. can preserve the economic advantage that it has enjoyed since WW2. The U.S. has lost that advantage due to the policies of its own government, both Republican and Democrat. It has taken 50 years for this advantage to be destroyed and it can no longer be restored. The best hope is that wise leadership will be able adapt and engage in a spirit of coexistence.

The present leadership both Democrat and Republican believe that they can force the world to submit to its will by economic sanctions and military force. Neither will change the trajectory of this new emerging multi-polar world economic situation.

While the present focus in the western world is on things like abortion, gay rights and who can promise a new government program, the rest of the world is focused on economic independence from the west. They will not be denied and the west does not have the ability to stop this transition. Efforts to reverse this by military force will only result in mutual destruction.

The United States has diluted the buying power of the dollar and its status as the worlds reserve currency. A currency that was once considered "as good as gold", that is now a shadow of its former reliability. From $35.00 equal to an once of gold to $2500 is a mathematical judgment of what 50 years of deficit spending has done. Fiscal mismanagement on a colossal scale in the effort to buy votes and friends. The deficits and debt most likely cannot be reversed, without a tremendous loss of prosperity to the country and its citizens. The question is, how can this disaster be managed without further destruction? 

If the United States adopted the necessary policies to bring back an industrial base and sound currency it most likely would take 30 years of focused and sustained effort. It is not something that appears to be on the horizon in the present political and social climate. 

While the United States still has the protection of 2 oceans and the ability to defend its homeland, if it has the will, it no longer has the ability to control events in other parts of the world. 

It is likely that tremendous suffering is on the horizon for the western world. It may be limited to economic focus on priorities to restore its self reliance and sound fiscal policies. The alterative is to contuse on its delusional present course that may result in its ultimate destruction as a nation.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cheney's attempt to preserve legacy at all costs.



This week we witness the ultra conservative Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney endorse Kamala Harris for President. They make it clear that their endorsement is an anti-Trump message. We all understand that the Bush's, Romney's and others are all anti-Trump. One reason why, was revealed a few years ago when Trump, in a statement about Syrian oil, remarked that the United States should keep the proceeds from the oil. The same bunch reacted in outrage at that suggestion, claiming that the United States is above such actions.

The reality is, that the oil in Syria is being pumped and sold, as is the oil in Iraq. Syria gets no money from their oil and Iraq has to beg the United States for a small percentage of the money from Iraqi oil.

During the gulf war it was reported by some reporters at the time that a pipeline was being built directly behind the U.S. troops as they advanced. Some asked why, and the response was, to supply oil to Bagdad. An answer that made no sense then or today.

It is clear that the United States is controlling the oil proceeds from this oil, but it seems no one is asking for an accounting of where this money has gone and continues to go. Is it going into the United States treasury? Is it being held in escrow for the people of Iraq and Syria?

If Trump should be elected, he should answer were the money is going. Does he really want to keep the money or did he just want to shake the oil revenue tree? 

It is another example of the meaningless U.S. press, that no one asks those questions? Maybe they should ask Dick Cheney, he may be able to answer that question. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Russian election interference: Here they go again.



It is ironic and of course amazingly hypocritical that the Department of Justice and the FBI had a press conference to again raise the issue of Russian election interference. The reality is, that the DOJ and the FBI have been the biggest perpetrators of election interference in the history of this country. They have engaged in  constant election interference for the last 8 years.

Of course, we all remember the Russian collusion hoax that the DOJ investigated for 1 1/2 years, when it is proven the FBI knew it was a hoax before the investigation even began.

Then there was Russian hack of the Democrat National committee that the Crowdstrike investigation concluded that it was an internal leak downloaded internally.

We also remember the FBI jerking Hillary Clinton around in the lead up to 2016 election.

Then the indictment of a dozen Russians for engaging in the supposed hack, who when their lawyers showed up for a hearing, the special council dropped the indictment. It was nothing more than a opportunity for a news event.

Then we had the Hunter Biden laptop story that the FBI and DOJ labeled more Russian disinformation, even when they intentionally lied, as they knew it was in fact true.

Of course, the 51 Intelligence experts who blamed the Russians for the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Then we have the DOJ bringing multiple charges against the Republican candidate for President, all just more election interference on a grand scale.

These people have no shame, have no sense of justice and are disgrace to the country. They no longer have any credibility and only a fool would believe anything that they endorse.

As for the Russians, we are expected to believe that they have the influence to sway elections through some social media efforts, while we witness multiple billions of dollars in political ads, often downright lies, that seem to have marginal effects on influencing voters. Again, only fools would believe any of it.


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rejected by EU, Turkey embraces BRICS.



Turkey has officially indicated that is desiring to join the BRICS economic cooperative, it will be a pivotal enhancement to BRICS. Turkey is geographically a important trading route for BRICS, it is the bridge between Asia and Europe and is a growing industrial market. It would be perfect fit for BRICS.

Turkey is the first NATO member, which is a military alliance, not an economic alliance, to join BRICS. At present there are dozens of new members interested in joining. If the disputes continue to escalate between the EU and Hungary and Slovakia, they may be next to consider allying with BRICS. I would expect that would create a conflict that would result in their being forced out of the EU.

While NATO may not like this development, it will not push this into an either or situation. It would most likely end with Turkey being lost as a pivotal NATO member.

This development just adds to growing frustration worldwide with sanctions, threats and intimidation by the west to be either,"with us or you are our enemy" Many independent nations do not want to be told who they can trade or cooperate with and many would like to be neutral in geopolitical disputes. While efforts to force submission are continuing, they are failing at an accelerating rate. 

It appears that a multi-polar economic world is coming, the question is will there be economic cooperation between the groups or continued effort to enforce the, "with us or against us" policy.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Ukraine government decimated by purge and resignations.



A good portion of Ukraine's government has been replaced overnight as Zelensky has fired, among others, Deputy Prime minister for European affairs, Minister of strategic industries, Minister of Justice, Minister of environmental protection. This led to the resignation of well respected Foreign minister Dmitry Kuleba. Whether that is all or there are more to come one can only guess.

It is pivotal time for Ukraine as the Kursk offensive is contained with a reported loss of near 9000 troops. The eastern front is rapidly collapsing as a shortage of men and materials, coupled with exhausted troops, has resulted in a severe loss of morale. The news out of Kiev will most likely increase the anxiety and uncertainty of the troops. It may be increasingly difficult to risk ones life in a rapidly deteriorating situation.

Whether these changes were instituted by Zelenky or demanded by Washington is a good question. Maybe Lindsey Graham can fly over and give them a pep talk.

Many claim that Zelinsky's chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, a former film producer, is the most powerful man in the government and is making most of the decisions.

These newest changes have followed major changes in the defense and military earlier in the year. It is unlikely that these changes will be able to change the momentum or the fundamental basics that have resulted in this catastrophe for Ukraine.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Immigration, deportation, big issue in Euroland.



While immigration is still a big issue in the United States, it is also a big issue in the Eurozone. The experiment by the EU to allow anyone who sets foot into any country to be able to move freely to any other member of the EU is at the root of the debate.

Brexit, for the UK to leave the EU, was mostly about unlimited immigration. At present most of the eastern European member nations have refused to allow this free movement and erected barriers to control immigration.

So far the UK, Germany, Austria and Italy are working on plans to implement some form of deportations of those they deem as undesirable out of their countries.

Most of the new arrivals know where the most generous benefits are and proceed to enter those countries as soon as possible. It has created a drain on all those social services and with mostly stagnant economies there are not enough jobs to provide work for these new arrivals. It has created a backlash that is now beginning to effect the results in every election in the EU. In Germany there are reported large apartment buildings full of immigrants on public assistance with no work opportunities. It has created an undesirable situation for both immigrants and the citizens.

Much of this has been compounded by the Ukraine conflict as it has added millions of Ukrainian women and children that have also become qualified for assistance.  This coupled with high energy prices due to sanctions on Russian energy has amplified the situation.

While many realize that the divisions in the U.S. are the most severe in since the civil war,  social problems in the EU are far more volatile. It is likely that in the near future every government will be replaced or under pressure to address these problems and with large percentages of immigrants, without any real connection to these countries, it is formula for serious unrest.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Harris replays Stealth campaign.



A campaign of the simple minded for the simple minded, but it is effective in modern America. A campaign that has no policy other than more of the same.  This coupled with the old standbys of, "they are going to take your social security", they are going to outlaw abortion and they are all going to rule like Hitler. Very simple, for the very simple minded.

Then deny all the chaos and missteps that created the present problems and claim that if elected you will fix the problems you created. Only to believed by the very simple minded.

While much of the country is hoping for more government handouts, lower prices, free college and free and easily available abortions, the world is on the brink of nuclear war. But of course, nuclear war has never happened in this generations lifetime or anyone else for that matter, so it most likely will never happen.

The reality is, it will happen if the present bunch of geniuses in Washington continue to manage our foreign policy. It seems they also believe it is just never going to happen. 

One reason it has not yet happened is that Russia is prevailing in the present proxy war in Ukraine. A U.S. instigated war that was predicted by many, years ago, if they continued to push NATO expansion to the doorstep of Russia. Of course, we are told and believed by the same simple minded that Russia wants to rule the world and only the United States can stand in their way. 

These same geniuses believed they could destroy Russia by war and sanctions and now it seems not to be working. They went all in, put their reputation and that of NATO on the line and how are they going to accept defeat? Can they accept defeat? or will they believe they can convince the simple minded that Russia planned to attack with nuclear weapons so they may need to preempt them with an attack of their own. I am sure they can muster up 50 intelligence community experts who will swear that it is all true.

After all once it starts, "What difference will it make",  anyway.