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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Immigration, deportation, big issue in Euroland.



While immigration is still a big issue in the United States, it is also a big issue in the Eurozone. The experiment by the EU to allow anyone who sets foot into any country to be able to move freely to any other member of the EU is at the root of the debate.

Brexit, for the UK to leave the EU, was mostly about unlimited immigration. At present most of the eastern European member nations have refused to allow this free movement and erected barriers to control immigration.

So far the UK, Germany, Austria and Italy are working on plans to implement some form of deportations of those they deem as undesirable out of their countries.

Most of the new arrivals know where the most generous benefits are and proceed to enter those countries as soon as possible. It has created a drain on all those social services and with mostly stagnant economies there are not enough jobs to provide work for these new arrivals. It has created a backlash that is now beginning to effect the results in every election in the EU. In Germany there are reported large apartment buildings full of immigrants on public assistance with no work opportunities. It has created an undesirable situation for both immigrants and the citizens.

Much of this has been compounded by the Ukraine conflict as it has added millions of Ukrainian women and children that have also become qualified for assistance.  This coupled with high energy prices due to sanctions on Russian energy has amplified the situation.

While many realize that the divisions in the U.S. are the most severe in since the civil war,  social problems in the EU are far more volatile. It is likely that in the near future every government will be replaced or under pressure to address these problems and with large percentages of immigrants, without any real connection to these countries, it is formula for serious unrest.

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