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Monday, September 2, 2024

Harris replays Stealth campaign.



A campaign of the simple minded for the simple minded, but it is effective in modern America. A campaign that has no policy other than more of the same.  This coupled with the old standbys of, "they are going to take your social security", they are going to outlaw abortion and they are all going to rule like Hitler. Very simple, for the very simple minded.

Then deny all the chaos and missteps that created the present problems and claim that if elected you will fix the problems you created. Only to believed by the very simple minded.

While much of the country is hoping for more government handouts, lower prices, free college and free and easily available abortions, the world is on the brink of nuclear war. But of course, nuclear war has never happened in this generations lifetime or anyone else for that matter, so it most likely will never happen.

The reality is, it will happen if the present bunch of geniuses in Washington continue to manage our foreign policy. It seems they also believe it is just never going to happen. 

One reason it has not yet happened is that Russia is prevailing in the present proxy war in Ukraine. A U.S. instigated war that was predicted by many, years ago, if they continued to push NATO expansion to the doorstep of Russia. Of course, we are told and believed by the same simple minded that Russia wants to rule the world and only the United States can stand in their way. 

These same geniuses believed they could destroy Russia by war and sanctions and now it seems not to be working. They went all in, put their reputation and that of NATO on the line and how are they going to accept defeat? Can they accept defeat? or will they believe they can convince the simple minded that Russia planned to attack with nuclear weapons so they may need to preempt them with an attack of their own. I am sure they can muster up 50 intelligence community experts who will swear that it is all true.

After all once it starts, "What difference will it make",  anyway.

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