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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Is this Zelensky's last trip to Washington?



Ukraine's Zelensky's latest trip to the U.S. is remarkable by the limited coverage from the media. Has the media been instructed to down play this trip so close to the election, or is it a sign that support for Ukraine is coming to an end. Zelensky is planning on proposing his peace plan to Biden, Harris, Trump and congress. The plan calls for more weapons commitment, approval of long range missiles to attack deep into Russia and long term economic commitments. It seems no one is taking any of this seriously.

It is being reported that in the last week, after the UK prime minister came to Washington in an effort to coordinate long range missile attacks into Russia, Moscow through several channels both diplomatic and military gave notice to Washington that if approval and use of these missiles was given, Moscow's response was conveyed along with intended targets.  It seems Washington, the pentagon and others finally believed they were serious and refused to approve such use of U.S. missiles. Many believe that the world was on the brink of a real WW3 and backed away, at least for now.

Zelensky's trip may be here to beg for more military aid or the use of long range missiles or he may be here to convey to Washington insiders that if they don't agree he may be forced to disclose the corrupt goings on between Ukraine and Washington. It appears many in Washington have not condoned this trip and may wish he would just go away, especially during this election season.

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