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Friday, September 13, 2024

Is Interventionism bleeding the U.S. dry?



At present the United States is attempting to control 3 crisis situations at the same time. It is an addition to the usual 700 + military bases and billions spent to foreign aid and other cost associated with maintaining its dominant position in the world.

Osama bin Laden repeated the warning many time to the U.S. that his objective was to bleed the United States to the point of collapse. The attack on the world trade center in 2001 was not only an act of revenge, but a conscious decision based on the predictable response from the United States. This event triggered a massive response that is still being paid for today. Not only 20 years in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, but the added costs of the security state that is till escalating. This massive cost was triggered by the first gulf war, which was orchestrated by baiting Saddam Hussein into invading Kuwait in 1991, it continues today. It was the beginning of military intervention around the world.

At present the United States has 2 carrier groups stationed in the middle east, It cost 6.5 million a day per group. We have another in the south China sea. While everyone expects some response from Iran on Israel that will require U.S. assistance. Iran has learned these lessons well. The cost to the U.S are clicking up steadily. Israel's economy is tanking as it maintains military readiness and limited flights into and out of Israel. The Hamas attack near 1 year ago has resulted in a similar Israeli response that is unsustainable. The bleeding goes on without any attack from Iran.

Then of course there is the Ukraine conflict. It was orchestrated by the United States by pushing NATO expansion into Ukraine when everyone knew this would result in a response from Russia. A response that the west hoped would result into a deep push into Ukraine that would bleed Russia to the point of exhaustion and a hoped for regime change in Russia. Russia, having witnessed the results of intervention, began preparing for this in 2008, just as the U.S. began its same preparations.  Russia began preparations for both an economic and military conflict.   

The United States has likely spent over $300 billion in direct costs, not to mention the economic costs that have resulted from the economic sanctions war. Western Europe has depleted it military supplies, suffered high inflation in food and energy and is beginning to experience growing social unrest. A large part of world's economy is moving away from the the U.S. and the west which will inevitably cause severe economic decline, if not war.

Then we have the ongoing and accelerating conflict with China, supposedly over Taiwan, which is a similar situation as Ukraine. We have transformed China from an economic competitor into an enemy and also created the climate for a Russia/China alliance. Much of this animosity and conflict has been stoked by loose talk and threats and intimidation which has convinced China that in its security interest, it needs to create a large military, which it can do much more quickly and efficiently than the U.S. 

At present there is no reevaluation of our interventionist policy, it is supported by the majority of Democrats and Republicans in congress. One must wonder if this delusion of desiring to rule the world is the last gasp of the American empire, not from military defeat, but from economic and political collapse. 

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