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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Cheney's attempt to preserve legacy at all costs.



This week we witness the ultra conservative Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney endorse Kamala Harris for President. They make it clear that their endorsement is an anti-Trump message. We all understand that the Bush's, Romney's and others are all anti-Trump. One reason why, was revealed a few years ago when Trump, in a statement about Syrian oil, remarked that the United States should keep the proceeds from the oil. The same bunch reacted in outrage at that suggestion, claiming that the United States is above such actions.

The reality is, that the oil in Syria is being pumped and sold, as is the oil in Iraq. Syria gets no money from their oil and Iraq has to beg the United States for a small percentage of the money from Iraqi oil.

During the gulf war it was reported by some reporters at the time that a pipeline was being built directly behind the U.S. troops as they advanced. Some asked why, and the response was, to supply oil to Bagdad. An answer that made no sense then or today.

It is clear that the United States is controlling the oil proceeds from this oil, but it seems no one is asking for an accounting of where this money has gone and continues to go. Is it going into the United States treasury? Is it being held in escrow for the people of Iraq and Syria?

If Trump should be elected, he should answer were the money is going. Does he really want to keep the money or did he just want to shake the oil revenue tree? 

It is another example of the meaningless U.S. press, that no one asks those questions? Maybe they should ask Dick Cheney, he may be able to answer that question. 

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