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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

No stopping new global economic order.



We hear how some believe that the U.S. can preserve the economic advantage that it has enjoyed since WW2. The U.S. has lost that advantage due to the policies of its own government, both Republican and Democrat. It has taken 50 years for this advantage to be destroyed and it can no longer be restored. The best hope is that wise leadership will be able adapt and engage in a spirit of coexistence.

The present leadership both Democrat and Republican believe that they can force the world to submit to its will by economic sanctions and military force. Neither will change the trajectory of this new emerging multi-polar world economic situation.

While the present focus in the western world is on things like abortion, gay rights and who can promise a new government program, the rest of the world is focused on economic independence from the west. They will not be denied and the west does not have the ability to stop this transition. Efforts to reverse this by military force will only result in mutual destruction.

The United States has diluted the buying power of the dollar and its status as the worlds reserve currency. A currency that was once considered "as good as gold", that is now a shadow of its former reliability. From $35.00 equal to an once of gold to $2500 is a mathematical judgment of what 50 years of deficit spending has done. Fiscal mismanagement on a colossal scale in the effort to buy votes and friends. The deficits and debt most likely cannot be reversed, without a tremendous loss of prosperity to the country and its citizens. The question is, how can this disaster be managed without further destruction? 

If the United States adopted the necessary policies to bring back an industrial base and sound currency it most likely would take 30 years of focused and sustained effort. It is not something that appears to be on the horizon in the present political and social climate. 

While the United States still has the protection of 2 oceans and the ability to defend its homeland, if it has the will, it no longer has the ability to control events in other parts of the world. 

It is likely that tremendous suffering is on the horizon for the western world. It may be limited to economic focus on priorities to restore its self reliance and sound fiscal policies. The alterative is to contuse on its delusional present course that may result in its ultimate destruction as a nation.

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