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Friday, September 20, 2024

Harris: Obama's 4th term of domestic policy and war.



The airways are now nonstop election ads, most of them are nice platitudes about how much better you will be if you choose the advertised candidate. In reality, we know what Donald Trump's policies are, they have not changed in the last 8 years.  I believe he tried against many obstacles to do as he campaigned. Of course, many like the direction of the country under the present administration. Then Kamala Harris is your choice, you will get more of the same and probably a lot more.

The reality is that Kamala Harris will be doing very little in moving the country anywhere, as she, like Biden, will be just another figurehead president. We will see the same domestic policy that has created the greatest divide in this country's history. We will see unlimited spending and an a further erosion of the dollar's buying power. We can expect an attempt to tax assets, very similar to property taxes, in an effort to at least partially pay for the spending. It will create the greatest move away from paper assets into assets that people can hide. It will lead to a general decline in economic activity. 

We can expect more open borders in an effort to cement 1 party rule. We can expect redistribution by condoning theft as a form of a new government program.

While all these things are disastrous for the country it will all pale by the threat of war all over the globe, that is, if it doesn't start before the election. More of the same policies of the last 30 years will undoubtedly result in WW3.  A war that the homeland will not escape, as it has for the last few decades.  

This next election may be the last chance to change the direction of the U.S. foreign policy and a hope to avoid catastrophic world war. Of course, many are still believing that he United States can overcome any adversary in the world and prevail. A very dangerous and delusional bet.


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