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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rejected by EU, Turkey embraces BRICS.



Turkey has officially indicated that is desiring to join the BRICS economic cooperative, it will be a pivotal enhancement to BRICS. Turkey is geographically a important trading route for BRICS, it is the bridge between Asia and Europe and is a growing industrial market. It would be perfect fit for BRICS.

Turkey is the first NATO member, which is a military alliance, not an economic alliance, to join BRICS. At present there are dozens of new members interested in joining. If the disputes continue to escalate between the EU and Hungary and Slovakia, they may be next to consider allying with BRICS. I would expect that would create a conflict that would result in their being forced out of the EU.

While NATO may not like this development, it will not push this into an either or situation. It would most likely end with Turkey being lost as a pivotal NATO member.

This development just adds to growing frustration worldwide with sanctions, threats and intimidation by the west to be either,"with us or you are our enemy" Many independent nations do not want to be told who they can trade or cooperate with and many would like to be neutral in geopolitical disputes. While efforts to force submission are continuing, they are failing at an accelerating rate. 

It appears that a multi-polar economic world is coming, the question is will there be economic cooperation between the groups or continued effort to enforce the, "with us or against us" policy.

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