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Friday, September 6, 2024

Russian election interference: Here they go again.



It is ironic and of course amazingly hypocritical that the Department of Justice and the FBI had a press conference to again raise the issue of Russian election interference. The reality is, that the DOJ and the FBI have been the biggest perpetrators of election interference in the history of this country. They have engaged in  constant election interference for the last 8 years.

Of course, we all remember the Russian collusion hoax that the DOJ investigated for 1 1/2 years, when it is proven the FBI knew it was a hoax before the investigation even began.

Then there was Russian hack of the Democrat National committee that the Crowdstrike investigation concluded that it was an internal leak downloaded internally.

We also remember the FBI jerking Hillary Clinton around in the lead up to 2016 election.

Then the indictment of a dozen Russians for engaging in the supposed hack, who when their lawyers showed up for a hearing, the special council dropped the indictment. It was nothing more than a opportunity for a news event.

Then we had the Hunter Biden laptop story that the FBI and DOJ labeled more Russian disinformation, even when they intentionally lied, as they knew it was in fact true.

Of course, the 51 Intelligence experts who blamed the Russians for the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Then we have the DOJ bringing multiple charges against the Republican candidate for President, all just more election interference on a grand scale.

These people have no shame, have no sense of justice and are disgrace to the country. They no longer have any credibility and only a fool would believe anything that they endorse.

As for the Russians, we are expected to believe that they have the influence to sway elections through some social media efforts, while we witness multiple billions of dollars in political ads, often downright lies, that seem to have marginal effects on influencing voters. Again, only fools would believe any of it.


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