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Monday, September 16, 2024

Playing Russian Roulette over Ukraine.



It seems the policy makers in the U.S. believe that if they can make the Ukraine war costly enough to Russia they will just give up and return all Ukraine's former territory. They then will accept Ukraine's membership in NATO and allow U.S. missiles on their border. This is their hope that is based on their delusional narrative. The reality is that Russia, not just Putin, will fight NATO expansion to the ultimate war if necessary.

Russia began warning the west about NATO expansion as soon as it was proposed by Bush 2 in 2008. It then took action with the U.S. assisted coup in Ukraine and annexed Crimea which was part of Russia for centuries. Again, the warnings were never heard and Russia was dismissed as a gas station posing as a nation. Then in 2022 Ukraine began preparations to reclaim Crimea and also reclaim Donetsk and Luhansk and the Russians, eventually after many attempts at a negotiation, invaded those areas. Russia has since held referendums in 4 eastern oblasts and Crimea and now consider those areas part of Russia. They will not be returned short of defeat in nuclear war.

Ukraine could have preserved all their territory except Crimea with a peace proposal that was accepted in March 2022 in Turkey. It was squashed by the U.S. and UK and now Ukraine is in the last gasps of their inevitable defeat. Of course, the political operatives in the west want them to fight on, especially until after the next election. Ukraine is, in effect, a failed state that survives wholly on western financial support not only for their war effort but pensions, health care, everything that costs at least $5 billion a month. It will remain a failed state as long as it aspires to be part of NATO.

Ukraine could have been a neutral country, and possibly the most prosperous European country, it is now disastrously ruined for decades to come.

Now the latest plan is to allow Ukraine with the assistance of U.S. and British military to send long range missiles into Russia. Russia again has warned that this will be responded to, and again it is being ignored, claiming that Russia is bluffing.  When playing Russian Roulette, if after 5 pulls of the trigger, you are still alive, does that mean the sixth will have a similar outcome.

It is doubtful that Russia will resort to nuclear weapons if these long range weapons are used, but if it comes to an existential threat to Russia, that the West insists on, they will be used.

Russia still has not targeted the government buildings in Kiev. Does anyone doubt that they can flatten them all in one night?  Russia has not destroyed all the bridges across the Dnieper river that allow transport of these western materials. Russia has not taken out the satellites that the U.S. use to provide targeting to the Ukrainians. Russia has a lot of options without directly targeting NATO. If it come to an all out attack on NATO, it most likely will not be a conventional attack or a limited nuclear attack.

It could be like the 6ths pull in the roulette game.

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